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Caymus Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml
Caymus has a signature style that is dark in color, with rich fruit and ripe, velvety tannins as approachable in youth as in maturity. We farm Cabernet grapes in eight of Napa, 16 sub-appellations, with diversification enabling us to make the best possible wine in a given year. Our Cabernet...
Caymus has a signature style that is dark in color, with rich fruit and ripe, velvety tannins as approachable in youth as in maturity. We farm Cabernet grapes in eight of Napa, 16 sub-appellations, with diversification enabling us to make the best possible wine in a given year. Our Cabernet offers layered, lush aromas and flavors, including cocoa, cassis, and ripe dark berries
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