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Maple Bourbon Cream 750 ml
Liqueur & Bourbon Whiskey with Natural Flavors & Caramel Color "The enchanted mountains of Western New York know how to keep secrets. Every rock, gorge, and stream has a hidden story. We've learned something from the trees, though, and it's become the secret ingredient to our Maple Bourbon Créme. This...
Liqueur & Bourbon Whiskey with Natural Flavors & Caramel Color
"The enchanted mountains of Western New York know how to keep secrets. Every rock, gorge, and stream has a hidden story. We've learned something from the trees, though, and it's become the secret ingredient to our Maple Bourbon Créme. This new liqueur is sweetened with syrup locally sourced from Western New York maple trees. When you drink this spirit, you learn a little secret of these hills. Enjoy Ellicottville Distillery's Maple Bourbon Créme, from our trees to you!"
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