Ryan Williams Vineyard Riesling 750ml

Aromas and flavors of ripe pineapple husk, poached peach, rubber sap, and aloe with a silky, crisp, dry-yet-fruity light-to-medium body and a sleek, interesting, medium-length finish that exhibits elements of green apple and peach skin and orange and lemon relish with fine, dusty, fruit tannins and no oak flavor.


4 In Stock

Aromas and flavors of ripe pineapple husk, poached peach, rubber sap, and aloe with a silky, crisp, dry-yet-fruity light-to-medium body and a sleek, interesting, medium-length finish that exhibits elements of green apple and peach skin and orange and lemon relish with fine, dusty, fruit tannins and no oak flavor.

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